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Before starting this application please ensure you have read the Road Closure guidance on Thanet District Councils Website.
Please note Thanet District Council only provide Road Closures for events such as public procession, rejoicing, or illuminations, and in any case when the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed. If you are enquiring about a Road Closure for works then please contact Kent County Council Streetworks.
**Applications must be submitted a minimum of 12 weeks prior to the event and a payment of £176 will be required on approval of the request**
Please have the following available before starting your application:
The information you provide will be processed by Thanet District Council to administer the road closure process. Your address details may be disclosed as part of the local consultation process to partners acting on the Council’s behalf in the administration of the process. This information is held securely by the council and its partners and will be disposed of securely when it is no longer required. More information can be found at https://www.thanet.gov.uk/privacy-statement/
A parking suspension will be needed for your event - this must be applied for separately using the online Parking Suspension application via the Thanet District Council website
*Failure to completed the parking suspension request may result in your application being denied.
By completing and submitting this form you are confirming that you have read and understood the terms and conditions below:
I confirm that I have read and understood the Road Closure Guidance on Thanet District Councils website
I agree to pay all fees and charges as described and as may be reasonably incurred.
I confirm that all residents and businesses local to the closure have been or will be notified of the closure and the organisers contact details as necessary.
I confirm that access will be maintained for all emergency service vehicles at all times.
I confirm that access to dwellings will be maintained.