Private Hire Vehicle – Six Monthly Check (existing vehicle only)

Private Hire Vehicle - Six Monthly Check (existing vehicle only)

1Using this form
2Your details
3Copies of documents

This form will ask you to provide the following information:

  • Plate Number
  • Vehicle Registration Number
  • Your full name and the name of your operator
  • Copy of Compliance Certificate
  • Copy of checklist
  • Copy of Insurance Document

Please have this information ready as pages time-out after one hour you will not be able to submit this form without all the relevant documents. This form and relevant documents MUST be submitted to the Licensing Department at least two weeks before your compliance expires.

Privacy Statement

To provide this service Thanet District Council will collect and process personal information. We may check some of the information with other sources (e.g. government departments and other councils) to verify your identity and ensure that the information you have provided is accurate.

Your personal information is being processed because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

Please refer to our Corporate Privacy Notice for further details on how we process your personal information and your rights. This is also available in other formats (e.g. print).

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