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If you disagree with our decision about your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, you can use this form to challenge it.
Only certain people can challenge this decision. This is usually only the claimant but a landlord can if
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To provide this service Thanet District Council will collect and process personal information. We may check some of the information with other sources (e.g. government departments and other councils) to verify your identity and ensure that the information you have provided is accurate.
Your personal information is being processed because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
Please refer to our Corporate Privacy Notice for further details on how we process your personal information and your rights. This is also available in other formats (e.g. print).
Please check the box below to confirm that you have read, understand and agree to the following statements before completing this form:
A landlord can only challenge decisions about who the benefit is paid to and who an overpayment is recovered from.
If you disagree with anything else about the claim, the request for the reconsideration must be made by the claimant. You can support them to do this (providing you have their consent) by selecting the option "I'm filling in this form on behalf of the claimant".
Please note that we will send any correspondence about this request to the claimant. If you have signed authority to act on the claimant's behalf, you can attach this to this form later and we will contact the claimant to check this.
Please see our Housing Benefit overpayments page for information about how we recover overpayments and to find out how you can pay. Arranging a different way of paying back your overpayment is not a challenge and you do not need to complete this form; please see the advice on our webpages instead.
If you have any proof or evidence to support what you are telling us, please upload this. If you have no proof or evidence, please leave the page blank and click the next button to continue with the form.
If you are sending proof later, please use the online form on our website at thanet.gov.uk/proof